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Taz Machine


The TAZ MACHINE is a single 360° belly-down rotation initiated from a flare (belly down, nose away) that is entered from a horizontal line of flight. If the kite is pointing left on entry, the kite will rotate clockwise (as seen from above); if pointing right, it will rotate counterclockwise, turning back in the direction from entry.

Key elements:

Horizontal entry. Horizontal exit in opposite direction. Flat rotation. Only two inputs.

Judges view:

Flat rotation. Constant speed during rotation. Middle of wind window. Not losing height.

Most common errors:

Changes in speed and height. Trick executed near the edge of the wind window.


'ResponsiveMedia' plugin by Geoff Hayward.

'ResponsiveMedia' plugin by Geoff Hayward.

'ResponsiveMedia' plugin by Geoff Hayward.

'ResponsiveMedia' plugin by Geoff Hayward.

'ResponsiveMedia' plugin by Geoff Hayward.


© Tricksparty