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Cascade Comete 


Only one rotation of the COMETE trick is performed 3 times in succession, with each rotation reversing direction. Direction is either left-right-left or right-left-right. IN and OUT are free.

Key elements:

Constant speed. Straight line down. Descisive OUT.

Judges View:

Same as with the Comete, but only one rotation in each direction. Vertical line down. Take a good look at the last comete: full rotation!

Common Errors:

Changes in speed, drifting sideways, no full rotations > certainly in the last comete!


The newest version (since 2016)


'ResponsiveMedia' plugin by Geoff Hayward.

The old version (3 rotations in each Comete)


'ResponsiveMedia' plugin by Geoff Hayward.




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